Dual Relay SnipCard

The Dual Relay SnipCard (basic version) is equipped with two relay 36V – 2A max. In addition, there are two signaling LEDs to indicate the logic state of the corresponding relay.
The Dual Relay SnipCard is designed to make relays working in interlocked mode (optional) and to be able to insert a delay on the implementation of hardware control (optional), so you do not change the logic state of the relay in the event of a reset of the CPU board.
Alternatively to the Dual Relay SnipCard, in case you need a higher power device, in the space of the slot it’s possible to mount a single relay 10 A max. By mounting the single relay, on the terminal are available both the NO and NC contact.

Connection on the motherboard

Dual Relay SnipBoard connections

Dual Relay SnipBoard connections


Technical specifications

  • INPUT A:
  • MAX Voltage: 36 Vdc
  • MAX Current: 2 A
  • INPUT B:
  • MAX Voltage: 36 Vdc
  • MAX Current: 2 A

[caution] Do not apply voltages higher than 36V on the outputs. The outputs are protected with varistors that could burst. [/caution]

Code example

  In this example we activate/deactivate with a 1 second interval both relays of the
  Dual Relay SnipCard, assuming it has been mounted on socket 7.

  This software is furnished "as is", without technical support, and with no 
  warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for any purpose.    
  This example code is in the public domain.

void setup() {  
  pinMode(M7A, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(M7B, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

  digitalWrite(M7A, LOW);    // set "ON" relay on channel A 
  digitalWrite(M7A, HIGH);   // set "OFF" relay on channel A
  digitalWrite(M7B, LOW);    // set "ON" relay on channel B 
  digitalWrite(M7B, HIGH);   // set "OFF" relay on channel B


Dual Relay SnipCard - Schematic
Filename : sm_upc_rel_v1_schematic.pdf (188 KB)
Caption : Dual Relay SnipCard - Schematic
Dual Relay SnipCard - Topological Schematic
Filename : sm_upc_rel_v1_topological.pdf (101 KB)
Caption : Dual Relay SnipCard - Topological Schematic