Archiduino 32U4 – Main

This is the main Archiduino library set for the ATMega32U4 CPU. We are constantly updating our system and related software stuff, so please consider this a starting point for a brighter future (represented by e.g. a stable and comfortable GitHub repository).

This libraries package is designed to:

  • override the Arduino Leonardo standard pins assignment
  • enable code functions to extend resources assignment
  • enable and drive custom LCD PCF8574 board
  • enable and drive the buttons on LCD board

Note: this set contains the new version of the old Archiduino.h and LCD libraries previously released. We already included some improvements and bug fixes. If you want to replace old Archiduino files, just install this set and rename the includes and object instances in your code. All the changes are been made to keep Archiduino usable even in lates Arduino IDE versions. If you still want to use old instancing and including names (yes, it’s natural, changes are often painful) you can replace only the Liquidcrystal_I2C libraries in order to update them for correct functionality in latest (>1.6.4) Arduino IDE versions.

How to install

  1. Choose “Arduino Leonardo” board from your boards list
  2. download the zip file containing all the stuff (keep in mind the path where you saved this .zip)
  3. open Arduino IDE (the library set has been tested until 1.6.8 version)
  4. click on Sketch menu
  5. click on #include library submenu
  6. click on Add library from .zip file
  7. choose the path and the file you’ve just downloaded (see 1)
  8. click the Open button

When this steps are completed, you can include the main header library Archiduino32.h in your project. The Arduino IDE will include automatically all related libraries but, if you want, you could delete them from your sketch heading. The only include needed is:

#include <Archiduino32.h>

For further details, please see documentation if available. If not, we’re still working on it, it’ll be available as soon as possible. In any case, feel free to contact us.


Archiduino32 library set
Title: Archiduino32 library set (602 clicks)
Caption: Archiduino32 library set
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NOPO is coming!

The new NOPO board is a modular controller for home or industrial automation.

LiquidCrystal_I2C.h library – for Arduino IDE 1.6.x

This library is a modified version of the H. Mario LiquidCrystal_I2C V.2.0 lib. We fixed a function in LiquidCrystal_I2C.cpp in order to allow it working with Arduino IDE 1.6.4, 1.6.5, 1.6.6, 1.6.7 and the latest 1.6.8 revision.


If you want to download the whole library in a .zip file, you can do it clicking on the link below:

LiquidCrystal_I2C.h / LiquidCrystal_I2C.cpp with corrections

You also can read the following  brief explanation, it could be interesting.

Where did we gather the information?

Following the valuable informations provided by this Arduino Forum’s post we found where and how to fix the problem about an incorrect printing way on our LCD board. Same problem has been noticed from many users with as many solutions, with 95% of wrong instructions and sci-fi answers. We published our solution here because it works perfectly with our I2C PCF8574 LCD Board. We suppose that our fix is the same made by Marco Schwartz. You can optionally download Marco’s good job here.

How did we fix the problem?

Even though it looked like a vertical wall to be climbed by bare hands, mainly because of the plethora of results provided by Google to be inspected before finding any useful link, the solution was simple and simply deployable. To do this you must open LiquidCrystal.cpp with a text editor and edit this function:

inline size_t LiquidCrystal_I2C::write(uint8_t value) {
	send(value, Rs);
	return 0;

as follows:

inline size_t LiquidCrystal_I2C::write(uint8_t value) {
	send(value, Rs);
	return 1;

Et voila. A big problem with a tiny, cute solution.

Happy with this solution?

Please consider visiting our website, eventually testing our flagship product Archiduino or getting in touch with us for more information!

Any help in spreading the word about Archiduino system will be much appreciated! Thank you by Seletronica.